Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Fun!

Here's a list of activities/dates to remember for the month of December:

Saturday, 12/5 - Ansted Christmas Parade...students in the after school program that have returned permission slips will be walking in the parade.  Please be at AES at 3:00.  Students must be picked up by a parent/guardian at Ansted Baptist Church at the end of the parade.

Monday, 12/7 - APAC (formerly PTO) will be meeting at 5:30.

Friday, 12/11 - Peanuts Movie  field trip for students with no more than five behavior violations for the six weeks term.

Wednesday, 12/16 - Gifts for the Nursing Home should be sent in on or before this date.  Please, no food items or breakables.

Friday, 12/18 - Second graders will be walking to the Ansted Nursing Home to give gifts and sing Christmas carols for the residents.  We will be leaving at 2:15.  

Monday, 12/22 - Santa will be visiting AES! 

Christmas Dress Up Days

Thursday, 12/17 - Fancy/Dress Up
Friday, 12/18 - Red/Green
Monday, 12/21 - Ugly Christmas Sweater
Tuesday, 12/22 - Pajamas

More information will be sent home as the dates get closer.  Please be sure to check your child's class weekly newsletter.

It's been a while...

With all of the craziness that goes along with starting school, Halloween, and then on to Thanksgiving, we have been slacking in our posts on the blog.  I want to sincerely apologize and promise to try and post more often!

With that being said, we have a lot of things going between now and Christmas.  I'll add a more detailed post about these events/reminders next.  I'm also planning on updating our calendar, as well.
Thanks for your patience and continued support!

-Mrs. Brewer
